Andrew M. Williams

Influenced at an early age by Dr Seuss and the masterpieces of Goscinny & Uderzo, Williams alleviated boredom and amused classmates through high-school by writing, and drawing caricatures of teachers, students and anyone else he could outrun. After six enormously satisfying years at university he surprised everyone by graduating in 1983 with a B.Sc in Kinesiology.

Writing took a back seat for the next dozen years as he opted for the action and adventure of the Canadian Navy, including an year on exchange with the Royal Australian Navy.

During that time creativity was limited to the occasional farewell roast of shipmates and senior naval officers--valuable experience in the art of skewering a subject diplomatically, thus retaining some prospect of career advancement.

After the Navy he obtained an MBA, worked as a cartoonist, became a stockbroker (8 years--great clients), and then realized a long-lost ambition of becoming a writer.

The Carlyle Deception was his first full-length novel and he's happy to offer up the sequel--Solution ALFA--for your reading pleasure.
